
Minnesota Budget Bites

Minnesota Budget

  • Minnesota Budget Outlook and Trends
  • Minnesota Budget

July economic update shows state revenues on track, mixed national economic picture

Person wearing blue shirt shopping for canned goods
The State of Minnesota ended the most recent fiscal year on a positive revenue note, but the latest update shows the relatively strong national economic outlook is expected to weaken in coming years.
  • Minnesota Budget
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  • Minnesota Budget Process
  • Child Care

Cooperation paves the way for important investments in affordable child care

With a historic surplus of $17.5 billion for FY 2024-25 and $5.4 billion structural balance for FY 2026-27 , Minnesota...
  • Minnesota Budget
  • Minnesota Budget Process
  • Health Care
  • Blogs

House-Senate conference committee considering investments to expand affordable health care

While the Health and Human Services conference committee is hashing out the specifics, we can likely say the final budget will make important investments that secure expanded access to health care and ensure a better, healthier future for many.
  • Minnesota Budget Outlook and Trends
  • Minnesota Budget

Latest economic report shows state revenues on track with projected large surpluses

Both the state of Minnesota’s revenues and the national economic forecast are slightly improved compared to the February...