
Minnesota Budget

We look at budgets as a set of priorities that should reflect our values as a community. State budget decisions effect whether Minnesota children get a quality education, whether young people have what they need to succeed, whether Minnesotans can find and keep good jobs that allow them to support themselves and their families, and whether our elders and neighbors living with disabilities are able to live with dignity in their own communities.

Our state budget analysis emphasizes public services that expand opportunity and economic security to all Minnesotans, what current economic conditions mean for Minnesotans and the state budget, and the importance of following sound budget practices. You'll also find tools to better understand and engage in the budget-setting process.

Minnesota Budget Plans Research

March 2024

Great Start Scholarships are an innovative policy solution for affordable child care

When Minnesotans have affordable child care, children can thrive, families are more economically secure, and employers can find and retain the workers they need. Great Start Affordability Scholarships are a new policy solution designed to lower monthly child care costs for families across Minnesota.

September 2023

2023 investments in child care pave the way for a brighter future

During the 2023 Legislative Session, policymakers took important steps to address the urgent child care needs of Minnesotans. This issue brief looks closely at the budget and policy changes made to support the state’s Child Care Assistance Program (CCAP), Early Learning Scholarships, the child care workforce, and child care providers.

August 2023

2023 Health and Human Services budget will expand access to affordable care

As part of the budget process, Governor Tim Walz, the Minnesota House, and the Minnesota Senate used some of the state’s historic projected budget surpluses to support smart investments and policy decisions so that more Minnesotans have affordable health care. This issue brief takes a deeper look at a few of our health care related budget and policy priorities from the 2023 Legislative Session.

January 2023

Income tax repeal would damage Minnesota's quality of life, increase inequality

All Minnesotans deserve to lead healthy and secure lives. But the path to a stronger, more equitable future for our...

Minnesota Budget Blog Posts

July 18, 2024

July economic update shows little change in Minnesota revenues, national economic projections

Minnesota recently ended the fiscal year with revenues a bit above prior projections. Looking ahead, the national eco...

May 29, 2024

In 2024 session, policymakers progress toward improving health care and child care

While 2024 was not a budget-setting year for the state, policymakers made use of the limited resources they had to build on last year’s transformational investments and took steps to set the state up for a brighter future. This year, child care affordability and affordable health care accessibility continued to rise to the top as a priority for many Minnesotans. This blog takes a look at the policy and budget decisions made this year to make affordable health care and child care available to more Minnesotans.

May 28, 2024

2024 Legislature passes improvements in Child Tax Credit, tax-filing process

The Minnesota Legislature passed some investments in Minnesota families’ economic well-being and improving their tax-filing experience in this year’s final tax legislation, including essential provisions for successful implementation of advance payments of the Child Tax Credit. Here’s a look at how our priorities for the tax bill fared this session.

May 14, 2024

Decisions in session’s final days should strengthen health care and child care for Minnesotans

In 2023, policymakers made transformational budget investments for the well-being of Minnesotans and their families....

Minnesota Budget Outlook and Trends Research

August 2022

Inadequate state funding puts higher education further out of reach

Decreasing state funding to public higher education institutions over the years has dramatically increased costs for students and their families. This brief looks at how disinvestment has shifted tuition costs to students, and has disproportionately harmed low-income and BIPOC students.

February 2020

Minnesota should invest in the future: Inside the November 2019 Economic Forecast

The November 2019 Economic Forecast brought some positive news for now, but predicts a more challenging budget situation in the future. Minnesota is in positive budget territory with a $1.3 billion balance projected for the current two-year budget cycle, FY 2020-21. However, that good news is short-lived. Faced with a short-term surplus, policymakers have an opportunity to make some one-time investments.

February 2018

Minnesota needs to prepare for future: Inside the November 2017 Economic Forecast

The November Economic Forecast projects a $188 million deficit for FY 2018-19 and a $586 million deficit for FY 2020-21. This brief examines the forecast’s economic data that show Minnesota’s economy is still doing fairly well, and that the national economy is expected to grow, although at a slower rate than previously projected. These budgetary projections do not include the impact of likely federal tax and budget changes; state policymakers should ensure Minnesota is fully prepared to navigate the uncharted landscape ahead.

February 2017

Caution is key: Inside the February 2017 Economic Forecast

Minnesota continues its positive budget trend, with a $743 million positive balance for the rest of FY 2016-17 and a $1.7 billion projected positive balance for the upcoming FY 2018-19 budget cycle. These projected balances provide opportunities for the state to make smart investments to bring the economic recovery to every part of the state. However, an uncertain federal budget and tax landscape calls for caution. Minnesota lawmakers should avoid large and unsustainable tax cuts that could put our economic future on shaky ground.

Minnesota Budget Process Research

December 2022

Restoring an inflation measure to the state's Budget and Economic Forecast

The state’s economic forecasts are essential tools for policymakers and the public to understand the state’s fiscal si...

December 2021

Putting American Rescue Plan dollars to work for Minnesota: Major funding sources to state and local governments

The American Rescue Plan dollars have created an extraordinary opportunity to put a substantial down-payment on the investments that Minnesotans need and to start building a more equitable state and economy. Read how the dollars are distributed to state and local governments.

March 2020

What to wear when visiting the Capitol

If you're visiting the Minnesota State Capitol to attend a hearing or visit your elected representative, you might wo...

March 2020

Aprenda sobre el proceso presupuestario de Minnesota

Todos somos parte importante del sistema tributario de Minnesota y podemos dar nuestra opinión en el congreso estatal,...
