
Minnesota Budget Bites

  • Minnesota Budget Outlook and Trends
  • Minnesota Budget

Latest economic report shows state revenues on track with projected large surpluses

Both the state of Minnesota’s revenues and the national economic forecast are slightly improved compared to the February...
  • Minnesota Taxes
  • Racial Equity
  • Minnesota Tax Credits
  • Minnesota Taxes and Tax Plans

House Property Tax Division bill includes transformational changes to the Renters’ Credit

One of the highlights of last year’s tax discussion is moving forward again this session: a game-changing proposal to...
  • Minnesota Taxes and Tax Plans
  • Minnesota Budget Plans
  • Minnesota Budget

Early agreement on state budget targets outline use of the surplus

On Tuesday, the Minnesota House and Senate leadership and Governor Tim Walz released joint budget targets that lay out ...
  • Minnesota Budget Outlook and Trends
  • Minnesota Budget

State's February budget forecast confirms opportunity to make transformational investments

The State of Minnesota is projected to have budget surpluses over the next four years, according to the February 2023...