
Minnesota Budget Bites

  • Health Care
  • Federal Budget
  • Federal Issues
  • Federal Taxes

Inflation Reduction Act advances economic relief, tax equity, and climate response

The federal Inflation Reduction Act includes provisions so that seniors, workers, and families can meet their health care and basic needs, takes important steps to address the climate crisis, and raises revenues from those with the greatest resources to invest in critical public services.
  • Racial Equity
  • Income and Work

Roe reversal strips basic decision-making, economic security from millions of people

Woman on phone serious sm
Currently abortions are legal and protected in Minnesota under the state’s constitution. But many people across the country, including in our neighboring states, cannot access their full reproductive and health care rights or may have to travel and undergo significant costs and strains to do so.
  • Blogs

Open position: policy analyst will shape policies that advance economic and racial justice

Women in office
For strongest consideration, apply by August 19; applications will be accepted until the position is filled.
  • Minnesota Budget
  • Minnesota Budget Outlook and Trends

State revenues are strong, but national economy is weakening

The state of Minnesota’s revenue picture for FY 2022 remains solid, but the national economic recovery is expected to be...