
Minnesota Budget Bites

Federal Issues

  • Federal Issues
  • Federal Budget

Federal cuts hit home

Minnesotans will soon feel the full force of the across-the-board federal cuts to critical services known as the seques...
  • Federal Issues
  • Federal Budget

Shutdown ends, debt crisis averted – now what?

The federal government shutdown has ended and the debt ceiling crisis averted, but serious concerns remain about whether...
  • Federal Issues
  • Federal Budget

Week 2 of federal shutdown: Debate widens to include debt ceiling, one-sided deficit reduction

It’s week two of the federal government shutdown, and the consequences for people who use services such as Head Start a...
  • Federal Budget
  • Federal Issues

Minnesotans feel deja vu as federal government shutdown starts

Minnesotans may feel a bit of deja vu as the federal government shutdown begins today, the start of the 2014 federal...