
Minnesota Budget Bites

Federal Issues

  • Federal Budget
  • Federal Taxes

More than 240,000 Minnesota workers would lose out if federal tax provisions expire

More than 240,000 Minnesota workers will have a harder time supporting their families if Congress doesn’t act to prevent...
  • Income and Work
  • Poverty
  • Minnesota Tax Credits
  • Federal Taxes
  • Child Care

Summer reading: New reports show that policy choices build ladders to economic opportunity

With the legislative session over, we’ve had the opportunity to pick up some of our ideal beach reads: the latest and...
  • Federal Issues
  • Federal Budget

It's a deal

Last week, the chairs of the budget committees in the U.S. House and Senate announced a budget deal that provides for...
  • Housing
  • Federal Budget
  • Federal Issues

Federal cuts squeeze housing assistance for low-income Minnesotans

Federal budget cuts to housing assistance for low-income renters "have left local Minnesota authorities scrambling to...