
Minnesota Budget Bites

Child Care

  • Child Care

New state data highlight increasing importance of investing in child care assistance

The Child Care Assistance Program (CCAP) makes child care affordable for about 30,000 Minnesota children all across the...
  • Child Care
  • Health Care
  • Minnesota Budget
  • Minnesota Budget Plans

Governor Dayton’s FY 2018-19 budget: HHS investments focus on Minnesota’s most vulnerable, preserves provider tax

Governor Mark Dayton’s budget makes important new investments in health and human services, largely centered on health...
  • Child Care

Legislative task force recommends improvements to Minnesota’s Child Care Assistance Program

A bipartisan task force of Minnesota legislators heard from parents, providers and employers about the challenges that a...
  • Child Care

Updated analysis on growing need for investment in child care assistance

The latest data on child care show that about 4,000 fewer families will have access to Basic Sliding Fee Child Care...