
Minnesota Budget Bites

Child Care

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  • Minnesota Taxes and Tax Plans
  • Minnesota Budget
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  • Minnesota Tax Credits
  • Health Care
  • Child Care
  • Minnesota Budget Plans
  • Minnesota Taxes

Governor Walz releases FY 2024-25 budget priorities

In his proposal for the two-year FY 2024-25 budget cycle, Governor Tim Walz proposes $11.2 billion in additional funding for public services, with the largest amount of new dollars going toward education, economic development, and health and human services. He also proposes $5.4 billion in tax reductions in FY 2024-25, with the biggest component being a one-time tax rebate. Read more in our blog.
  • Minnesota Budget
  • Minnesota Budget Plans
  • Child Care
  • Blogs

Minnesota should do more to support families and child care providers

We take a look at the Minnesota House’s proposed improvements to child care, and the actions policymakers should take this year to support Minnesota families and the “workforce behind the workforce” that allows parents to succeed at work, employers to find the workers they need, and kids to thrive.
  • Transportation
  • Minnesota Budget
  • Minnesota Tax Credits
  • Health Care
  • Environment
  • Minnesota Taxes and Tax Plans
  • Child Care
  • Minnesota Taxes
  • Education
  • Minnesota Budget Plans

A first look at Governor Walz’s supplemental budget proposal

The state of Minnesota has resources to draw on to start building a more equitable future, focusing on what Minnesotans...
  • Income and Work
  • Federal Taxes
  • Child Care
  • Racial Equity
  • Federal Issues
  • Federal Budget
  • Blogs

Dear Congress: It's time to pass historic investments

three young people smiling and sharing watermelon slices
If Congress makes the right choices, recovery legislation could lead to historic reductions in economic and racial inequality in Minnesota and across the country.