
Minnesota Budget Bites

Minnesota Budget

  • Minnesota Taxes and Tax Plans
  • Minnesota Taxes
  • Minnesota Budget Plans
  • Minnesota Budget
  • Health Care
  • Education

Senate budget targets call for few investments, mostly flat funding

The Minnesota Senate's budget targets , released last week, give a high level picture of their budget outline. The Sena...
  • Minnesota Taxes and Tax Plans
  • Minnesota Taxes
  • Minnesota Budget Plans
  • Health Care
  • Minnesota Budget

Provider tax: The proven way to fund affordable health care for Minnesotans

Minnesota’s provider tax is a proven and time-tested way to ensure Minnesotans have affordable health care. In contrast, the state of Michigan experimented with a few types of health-related taxes, and discovered various problems with these alternative sources – including insufficient revenues and problems with federal regulations.
  • Child Care
  • Health Care
  • Minnesota Budget
  • Minnesota Budget Plans
  • Minnesota Taxes
  • Minnesota Taxes and Tax Plans

Governor Walz's revised budget raises additional revenues, adjusts spending to build shared prosperity

Governor TIm Walz's revised budget retains the Walz/Flanagan administration's "One Minnesota" priorities, and augments the surplus by maintaining and raising revenues to invest in health care, education, broader economic opportunity, and transportation.
  • Minnesota Taxes
  • Minnesota Budget
  • Minnesota Taxes and Tax Plans
  • Education
  • Minnesota Budget Plans

House budget targets call for revenue raising, investments in education

The Minnesota House's budget targets , released this week, tell us how lawmakers propose to allocate the state’s projec...