
Minnesota Budget Bites

Minnesota Budget Outlook and Trends

  • Health Care
  • Federal Budget
  • Poverty
  • Federal Issues
  • Minnesota Budget Outlook and Trends

New data confirm states need more federal Medicaid support

Data shows climbing numbers of Minnesotans needing some help to afford care while we’re also seeing massive state revenue shortfalls as a result of the pandemic’s economic disruption. This presents a serious mismatch of needs and resources. An increase to federal Medicaid funding is needed to make sure people can get the health care they need, when they need it.
  • Minnesota Taxes
  • Minnesota Budget
  • Minnesota Budget Outlook and Trends
  • Federal Issues

July economic update shows state will need all the tools in the toolbox

The state's quarterly economic report shows that projections for the national economy have gotten even worse. While state revenues have come in a bit ahead of what was predicted in May, the state is still on track for a more than $2 billion budget shortfall for the current budget cycle.
  • Federal Issues
  • Health Care
  • Income and Work
  • Minnesota Budget
  • Minnesota Budget Outlook and Trends
  • Minnesota Budget Plans

May budget report reveals the need to support everyday folks

The May budget projection will guide the decisions that policymakers make in the remaining weeks of the legislative session, and the months beyond. They remind us of how many of our neighbors are struggling, and the importance of taking swift action to reduce the hardships that Minnesotans and their families are facing as a result of the pandemic, and to start building for the economic recovery.
  • Federal Issues
  • Minnesota Budget Plans
  • Minnesota Budget Outlook and Trends
  • Minnesota Budget
  • Health Care

Increased Medicaid funding to states protects health care, critical services

While they have taken some preliminary steps, federal decision-makers should further boost the Medicaid dollars it sends to states, make that increase last until the economy recovers, and maintain strong requirements to protect health care coverage.