
Minnesota Budget Bites

Federal Issues

  • Minnesota Budget Plans
  • Minnesota Budget
  • Immigration
  • Income and Work
  • Federal Budget
  • Federal Issues
  • Racial Equity
  • Health Care

Racial equity should be at the core of coronavirus responses

Due to the impact of historical racism and ongoing forms of discrimination and bias, BIPOC communities (Black, Indigenous, People of Color) will more acutely feel the economic and health effects of this coronavirus crisis. Without attention to equity, they are more likely to be left out of the policy responses.
  • Child Care
  • Income and Work
  • Minnesota Budget
  • Federal Taxes
  • Federal Budget
  • Federal Issues

The Federal CARES Act: What’s in the economic stimulus bill, who is left out

We’ve called for an inclusive approach to the public health crisis and the related economic impact. While the latest...
  • Nutrition
  • Health Care
  • Income and Work
  • Federal Issues
  • Federal Budget

A look at the first federal policy steps to combat coronavirus, address economic impact

The federal government has begun to respond to the coronavirus with legislation over the past few weeks. The first was...
  • Federal Budget
  • Income and Work
  • Federal Taxes
  • Federal Issues

Federal stimulus plans should include everyone facing hardship

“At a time of crisis, it is much better to be generous and wide ranging than to be too targeted,” said Neel Kashkari, ...