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Tax and Budget Basics

Your voice should be part of the policy and budget decisions about how our collective revenues are raised and where our shared resources are directed. The state’s budget and how we pay for it influence how well children are thriving; whether families have what they need to be safe, healthy, and financially secure; whether we have clean air and water; and many other elements of a high-quality standard of living.

We’ve created a set of FAQs and other resources so you can join us in ensuring policymakers know what your community needs to create a stronger future for Minnesota where prosperity truly is for every one of us.


Learn about Minnesota's Budget Process



Learn about Minnesota's Budget Process (SPANISH)




Be sure to check out all the different advocacy materials that the Minnesota Council of Nonprofits has on their website, such as:
  • Helpful Tips for Contacting Legislators
  • How to Conduct a Day on the Hill
  • Nonprofit Lobbying and the 501(h) Election
  • & more!

Visit MCN website